The story starts off with Ruso finally making it to the city of Modifiya to talk to the tribal chief of the Gigara Tribe. After a long discussion, the chief allows Ruso to travel the land and bring in the other tribes to his cause. Given a map with the location of three other central cities of the other tribes, he heads out of the Nebule Swamplands towards Gojakeya City. He makes it to the city and meets a Jira Tribe member named Tenzin and meets with the tribal chief. The chief rejects Ruso’s offer stating that the Jira Tribe is handling the Gamma Tribe while adding that the tribes are meant to aid only in commerce and not in each other's issues. Tenzin still joins Ruso as they then make their way to Gila City. Elsewhere a commander is getting word of Ruso’s journey and decides to see to it that he's stopped.As they finally make it to Gila City they meet the chief after much hesitation and after a long and decisive discussion, he agrees to join the alliance with his daughter, Grushen, being forced to join Ruso as punishment for her cruel words towards him. The gardener Queri is added alongside Grushen to make sure she's safe. They set out for Hourua City as they are stopped by the commander and a battle ensues. Afterwards they make it to Hourua City in which the tribal chief of the Suthra Tribe immediately agrees to join the alliance only to be captured by the commander.

Ruso makes the decision to attack the base that is holding the chief and in the battle Tenzin is killed. The Gamma Tribal Chief makes an appearance and throws Ruso, Queri, and Grushen around as he makes it a point to Ruso to end his journey before he meets painful fate.

Published 2 days ago
StatusIn development
Tags2D, Action-Adventure, Pixel Art


WarOfTheTribes.gbc 512 kB

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